Demon King City, Black Stone Throne

Roy had no choice but to escape now. No matter how fierce he was, it was impossible for him to fight against an army of hundreds of angels.

Unless Roy could use his status as a high-rank demon to gather a group of low-level demons around him, in which case, he might be able to try fighting this angel army. But it was hard to say who would win or lose.

In this angel army, the six blood-red-winged angels gave Roy a very bad feeling. In his Radiation Perception, the radiation energy emanating from these six blood-red-winged angels was very powerful! Almost every one of them was no worse than Uriel.

Roy did not understand what kind of angels those with blood-colored wings were because this was the first time he had encountered this type of angel. But this did not hinder him from judging the strength of both sides.