Gate of Echoes

After Julia's recovery flames healed Fat Tiger, and she placed him on the ground, Fat Tiger circled around Roy's legs in doubt, his three noses sniffing.

"Haha!" Roy immediately understood his doubts when he saw this. He crouched down and touched his three heads one by one. "Fat Tiger, don't you remember me?"

Upon hearing this familiar sound, Fat Tiger finally confirmed it. He immediately grinned widely.




Seeing Fat Tiger's three heads barking like a group of people, Julia could not help but burst out laughing. "Where did you find such a hellhound? He's very interesting!"

"He's Fat Tiger!" Roy did not explain and only said to Fat Tiger, "Fat Tiger, this is your future mistress. Remember!"

Fat Tiger tilted his three heads together and sized up Julia. Then he stretched his heads and sniffed Julia's scent carefully. Since Master Roy said that she was the mistress, Fat Tiger had to remember her scent.