Gathering of the Dragon Balls

Back then, Roy was only a middle-rank demon driven by Edrach, but when meeting again after a few years, Roy was already on the same level as Edrach. Edrach could even vaguely feel that Roy's strength was about the same as his, so how could he not be surprised?

Roy knew that his rapid growth that surpassed other demons would inevitably attract attention, but he did not panic. "It's nothing. In the previous world I went to, I encountered Demon King Samael and Mother Lilith!"

That's right. Roy had passed the buck. Anyway, he had indeed encountered these two demon kings, but as for what happened after meeting them, it was all for Edrach's imagination to make up.

As expected, Edrach's eyes widened when he heard Roy's words. He said in surprise and envy, "No wonder you grew so fast! It seems like you obtained many benefits from the two demon kings!"

Roy allowed him to imagine and changed the topic. "Where are you going?"