Lich Cassandra Returns

Deserts had never been formed in a day. In fact, thousands of years ago, countries had also existed in this Desert of Death. But as time passed, these countries gradually died out, and the places they lived in were covered by the sand.

With so many ghosts and skeletons suddenly appearing, Roy guessed that this oasis might have existed in a desert country before. Otherwise, he could not explain why there were so many skeletons buried underground.

However, there were really too many undead, way beyond Roy's expectations. According to his knowledge, undead usually relied on the power of death to grow and awaken. Under normal circumstances, the souls of dead creatures would dissipate, and their remains would gradually decay and decompose. Without external influence, these corpses would only sleep quietly. Otherwise, large numbers of undead would be born every war. Who would still dare to fight like this?