Great Disparity in Military Strength

Cassandra had lost many skeleton soldiers in this battle, but neither she nor Roy cared much.

These low-level cannon fodder undead were really lacking in offensive means. Even with the support of magic, how much their combat power could improve was very limited.

Throughout this battle, Roy had experimented with many spells that he had not used before.

Magic power was a medium and a bridge to communicate with elements. But for non-source magic that Roy was unfamiliar with, or rather, did not use through his magic power circuit, he found them fairly difficult to use. Thanks to his powerful magic power, the spells had not failed, but the effects were not satisfactory.

Through the magic experiments in this battle, Roy found that dark curse magic was quite powerful. In the future, he could give up enhancing his troops and instead weaken the opponent directly. Then he would use powerful direct magic attacks to help the army win.