Rampage! Opening of the Big Show in the Fortress

At night, Dendera Fortress was brightly lit and heavily guarded.

Ever since Gelu confirmed that the three patrol teams were missing, everyone realized that the demon they were waiting to intercept had arrived. Considering that night was the best time for creatures like demons to move around, the entire fortress had implemented rotating shifts. Half of the fortress's troops entered a defensive state and were ready to patrol throughout the night. The other half was resting, but they had not removed their equipment. Once the battle occurred, they could wake up and join it at any time.

Under the sweeps of magic searchlights, the entire canyon entrance was under full surveillance. Stone gargoyles were circling above the canyon, monitoring for any movements.

This was a fortress in the midst of war mobilization. The powerful troops of the alliance made everyone believe that once the demon appeared, they would beat this demon back to his hometown, Sheogh…