Spread of the Infection

After they entered Dendera Fortress, the sky was already dim.

At this time, the fortress was a mess. On the originally untidy street, there was black, mottled blood everywhere. It was probably left behind from when the zombies and mutants attacked the alliance soldiers, and the alliance army had not had time to clean it up. Many of the buildings in the city had collapsed. Needless to say, this must have been due to the battle. There were traces of fires everywhere in the fortress, and even now, the faint smoke had not been able to dissipate.

It was not until they saw this that Julia and the others realized how much trouble the zombies and mutants that Roy created had brought to this fortress.

When Roy and the others appeared in Dendera Fortress, many zombies and mutants that had been hiding in the dark appeared one after another. They seemed to have sensed the perfect T-Virus in Roy and unconsciously gathered toward him.