Forcibly Joining

Roy had already planned long ago when he said Benia's name.

The first time he came to the world of Ashan, the mutual suspicion between Xeron and other high-rank demon heroes had caused Xeron to end up fighting alone. This time, it seemed that Xeron had grown in strength and obtained the favor of Kha-Beleth, so Xeron could be said to have the most dominant position in Eeofol. Weren't all the demon heroes behind him following his lead?

Therefore, Roy did not dislike this tactic for being old, and it was easy to use. Roy was just deliberately creating a barrier. He directly pulled Biara's sister into the demon camp, which was equivalent to nailing a nail into the demon camp. In case Biara and Benia had a conflict, who would they side with?

Xeron and the others naturally realized what Roy wanted to achieve, and they could not help but look at Roy strangely, feeling that this Demon Osiris was simply too evil…

Xeron was in a dilemma now.