Running Away

The siege was intense, and as the leaders of the army, Raelag and Roy were not idle either.

Raeleg rode on his raptor, and his staff danced in his hand. After spinning the staff a few times, he suddenly raised it!

A gust of wind blew out of thin air and then turned into thousands of small cyclones. These cyclones blew across the bodies of the dark elven army, immediately making the soldiers who received the magic lighter. They moved quickly during the battle, as though they had divine help.

This was the air-element Mass Haste spell…

However, before these soldiers who received magical support could play their role, Roy, who was in the air, waved his hand. Countless black mists immediately shrouded the battlefield. The black mists drilled into the bodies of the dark elves, and the dark elves seemed to have lost their strength in an instant and became extremely weak.