Xeron's Memories

The final range of the Armageddon was a radius of more than 150 kilometers.

Roy and the others flew with all their might until they finally escaped the explosion range. After the smoke and dust dissipated, Roy spread his wings and floated in the sky. He could see the enormous radioactive crater from afar.

The power of this Armageddon is comparable to a nuclear bomb with a yield of tens of thousands of tons. I really can't underestimate it…

If Roy had not decisively cut off Xeron's head but instead allowed him to guide meteor to land quickly, they might not have had the time to run out of the range of the impact.

Even so, this Armageddon had completely wiped out the ground troops that could not fly in Roy's army. The skeleton soldiers, death knights, and most of the low-level demons died when the blast hit them, leaving not even a scrap.