It Is in Their Nature

With a thud, Roy stepped onto the ground.

As he Looked at the fanatical expressions on the faces of the various strange demons around him, he could not help but frown.

In fact, the moment he passed through the Gate of Heaven and entered the main world, Roy felt that the repulsive effect of this world on him had increased a lot. At first, he thought that it was his illusion, but now that he stepped on the ground, the feeling of repulsion became stronger.

Roy could even clearly feel that the ground beneath his feet loathed him. An invisible force was surging and squeezing his body, as though the people around him on a crowded subway were constantly trying to squeeze him out of the car door. This feeling was terrible.

However, Roy knew well that this was unavoidable. In fact, he had long known about this from Kha-Beleth's memories. This was the inevitable price he had to pay after becoming a demon lord.