Cataclysm (4)

In the face of this disaster, the alliance army forgot all about the battle against demons and the glory of restoring justice and hope.

All the races were now thinking about how to save their lives. Their desire to survive had totally occupied their minds, and they had no time to think about anything else.

Therefore, almost everyone forgot to pay attention to the tall demon that was still on the city wall of Ur-Hekal, including Isabel and the others. After rushing out of the thick smoke and seeing the light again, they suddenly realized that Demon Lord Osiris seemed to have disappeared…

What they did not know was that, at this moment, a colossal dragon was floating in the sky nearly thirty thousand meters above them.

It had a pitch-black body that was nearly a kilometer long. It did not have the wings of ordinary dragons, but it had four claws. On its head was a strange double-layered jaw with hideous sharp teeth all over its mouth.