A Demon Lord Named Sparda

The flame power that erupted at the end was the symptom of overloading magic power for Sareth, causing him to be unconscious for three days.

After opening his eyes, Sareth saw a skull. But this face, which was terrifying to ordinary people, made him feel exceptionally close. "Mother Cassandra…"

That's right. The one standing by his bedside was Lich Cassandra. Seeing that he had regained consciousness, she felt relieved. "Sareth, why were you so reckless?"

Sareth recalled the scene and lowered his head in shame. "Sorry, Mother Cassandra. I made you worry…"

"Fortunately, your foster father teleported back in time. Or else, who knows where you would've been taken…" Cassandra sighed. "Get up. Master wants to see you. "

"Okay!" Sareth nodded and got up from the bed. It seemed that after this incident, he had matured and become a little more steady.

After Sareth stood up, Cassandra handed him two balls of light. "Eat something first."