
"Ha, little brats nowadays are really precocious. They know how to shoot at such a young age."

Facing the bullets shot by Sareth, the middle-aged man in the red trench coat quickly drew the sword on his back and waved it continuously, cutting the magic power bullets in half one by one. At the same time, he did not forget to joke.

Seeing this, Sareth was dumbfounded. He realized that this seemingly decadent man had sword skills beyond his imagination, and he subconsciously forgot to continue shooting.

After seeing the flame bullets split in half explode into two balls of flames not far behind him, the middle-aged man could not help but frown under his white hair. Of course, he could feel the magic power contained in these bullets, so he looked at the gun in Sareth's hand. With a glance, he immediately discovered that the gun was extraordinary.