Flexible Means

Sareth's consciousness gradually awakened, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was a table with messy books on it opposite him. A ray of sunlight shone in through the window and landed on the table, allowing Sareth to see the most eye-catching thing: the clock!

April 25th, 7:12 a.m…

After staring at the clock for a while, Sareth returned to his senses. He immediately felt the restraint on his body and struggled desperately.

With his strength, it should have been easy for him to break free from the ropes, but he did not expect the ropes to be so strange. The more he struggled, the tighter they became.

"Don't waste your energy. There are spells specially used to imprison demons on it!"

A voice came from the garage. Nico walked in with a yawn and put on her glasses. After combing her messy hair, she ignored Sareth's gaze and walked to the garage door to pull up the shutter.