Exorcism Commission

"You… you mean that Dante is the child of Sparda?!"

Halfway through the story, V mentioned the identities of Dante and Vergil, and Sareth's eyes almost popped out.

He did not expect that the white-haired guy who had stayed with him for a few days was actually one of Sparda's children!

Seeing Sareth's surprised expression, V was a little puzzled. "Huh? Didn't he tell you this?"

"No…" Sareth shook his head and grabbed his red hair in annoyance. "Damn it! No wonder that guy has been stopping me from investigating Sparda. It turns out that his father is Sparda…"

Although Sareth knew that Dante and Nero were both half-demons, they had never told him about their origins, so he had only thought that Dante and Nero were the descendants of a demon and human. Now that he learned from V's story that Dante's father was Sparda, Sareth realized that it was because Dante did not like people investigating his father that he stopped him.