A Fiercer One Comes

Urizen understood what happened almost as soon as he saw the scene.

This damn thief who should be cast into an endless hell not only stole the fruit that he had painstakingly nurtured but also wanted to use this fruit as an offering to a powerful demon to summon it?!

Urizen was trembling in anger, and the tentacles around him were dancing wildly with his anger.

"How dare you!!!"

Urizen roared angrily as he walked toward Sareth. He had already decided to use the cruelest punishment to punish this apple thief!

However, just after he took a step, Dante suddenly rushed out of the spatial rift and kicked Urizen's head. The tremendous force directly sent Urizen's tall body to the ground.

Dante came out to prevent Urizen from attacking Sareth, but after kicking Urizen, he saw the scene clearly and became shocked.

But Sareth had already recovered from Urizen's roar and seized the opportunity to activate the magic formation.