Hope to Become a Demon King

"Argosax?!" Dante was shocked when he heard this. "That androgynous guy?!"

Why else would it be called the life of the main character? In his life, Dante had fought many powerful demons. Not only Mundus, but there was also this Argosax mentioned by Sparda. In his impression, Argosax was a demon made entirely of golden flames, and his appearance would change between male and female. He could be said to be the strongest enemy Dante had ever encountered. (Argosax has the longest HP bar in Devil May Cry history.)

After hearing Dante's words, Sparda nodded. "Yes, Argosax is an androgynous demon. But when you met him, he should have been sealed, right?"

Dante nodded. Perhaps because he was truly lucky, all the powerful demons he had encountered, be it Mundus or Argosax, seemed to be incomplete beings in a sealed state, so he had survived and won without exception…