Half-Demon Heaven Group

The war between Heaven and the Demon World has begun, but this war shall be put aside for the time being. Let us turn our attention to earlier.

After Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Sareth went into the spatial channel, their first stop was Heaven. As they had set off earlier, Heaven had yet to fully deploy its ambush encirclement against the Demon World, so they did not encounter the angels immediately after entering the spatial channel, allowing the four half-demons to sneak in quietly.

The Heaven of the Bayonetta world was also in a Purgatory Space. But unlike the Demon World of the Devil May Cry world, Heaven here did not cover the entire Purgatory Space. The number of angels was ultimately inferior to that of demons, so their requirements for living space were relatively small. The Purgatory Space here was also humongous, but apart from Heaven occupying a portion, the rest of the Purgatory Space reflected the human world!