Apocalypse's Arrival

As the stone slabs shattered, the four rays of light contained within them suddenly soared into the sky. The colors of these four rays were red, black, gray, and white.

Not only did Sparda and Berial see it, but the ancient angels far away in Aesir City, as well as the detained Dante, Vergil, and Nero, saw these four rays as well.

Under everyone's gazes, the four rays of different colors pierced through the small world created by Jubileus and flew straight into the sky of Heaven. Then they drilled into four spatial vortexes and suddenly disappeared.

After the light disappeared, the spatial vortexes in the sky slowly closed, and the sky of Heaven returned to calm.

Berial and the others looked at the sky in anticipation, hoping to see something. But one minute passed, two minutes passed, five minutes passed… and nothing happened.