The Simpler, the More Terrifying

Not to mention nails, even the demon horns on Roy's head were gone in the mist state.

It was like a middle-aged human man suddenly starting to bald. Even though he said that he did not care, he would still try all the hair growth products in private… It was a pain that he could not understand when he was young…

It was the same for demons. Demon horns were the symbol of male demons. When the demon horns were still around, Roy could not help rubbing them, wishing he could wrap them in syrup. The comfort and sense of security that came from rubbing the demon horns were unparalleled.

But now that he suddenly realized his horns were gone, and there was only an ethereal mist above his head, he was undoubtedly very anxious.

With the change in his mood, the mist on Roy suddenly became restless. The churning mist suddenly made the surrounding air become heavy.