Three Goons

Hearing Roy's shout, Imperius and Itherael were shocked and immediately spread their perception to see if Mephisto and the others had really arrived.

But they didn't find any traces of Mephisto and the others in their perception.

Roy didn't say anything and only waited quietly. There was a moment of silence, causing Imperius and Itherael to look at Roy strangely. They were just short of saying that he was being deliberately mystifying.

Finally, Roy sighed and said again, "Come out. Stop hiding!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the circle of demons surrounding him. Then he waved his hand, and Psychokinesis twisted out three high-rank demons. These three high-rank demons floated in the air in horror and kept struggling. "Your Majesty Osiris, you… you're mistaken, right?"

"I'm not wrong!" Roy looked at the three high-rank demons and shook his head. "But it's not your fault because you don't know when you were 'seeded'!"