Time Is a River

Roy had always thought that Lilith, the Red Sea Queen, was the most special demon he had ever seen.

Be it angels, demons, or other extraordinary creatures, the only one Roy had seen who could control the power of time was Lilith. Although the Infinite Worlds might have other creatures that could control time power, at least he only knew Lilith.

The power she displayed, her style of doing things, and her thoughts were vastly different from ordinary demons. If he hadn't learned from Benia that Lilith was one of the first ancient demons to exist in the Abyss, he would have mistakenly thought that she was a Chosen One of the Abyss like him.

On the ground, Lilith had already stood up. She looked around and probably knew what had happened after she lost consciousness. She sighed slightly, and a trace of sorrow flashed in her cold eyes. It was unknown if she was sighing for herself or for the nephalem who had followed her and died.