Arthas's Mental Journey (2)

After traveling through the night, early the next morning, Arthas and Jaina arrived at the outskirts of Stratholme.

From afar, with the power of the Holy Light in his body, Arthas sensed immense evil entrenched in Stratholme. This made him realize that the dreadlord Mal'ganis was indeed in the city.

But Arthas couldn't pinpoint the exact location of this evil aura. He only knew that Mal'ganis was hiding.

Just as Arthas was about to enter Stratholme with Jaina to search for Mal'ganis, the rumbling of hooves came from behind. He turned around and saw that it was actually Uther and his paladins rushing over.

Although Arthas had left alone in a fit of anger, Uther was his mentor after all, and he was still worried about his safety. So shortly after Arthas and Jaina set off, he had reorganized his army and chased after them to Stratholme.