The Fall of Silvermoon

Quel'Thalas was located in the northeast of Lordaeron. The kingdom of the high elves was known as the most dazzling diamond of Azeroth.

For thousands of years, the high elves had been living here and used the natural landforms here to build all kinds of beautiful palaces. They used magic to bathe the land in bright spring light all year round, turning their capital, Silvermoon City, into a glimmering city.

In the periphery of Silvermoon was a large dense stretch of the Eversong Woods. The forest was the natural barrier of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. In addition, the high elves had also built a powerful magic barrier around Silvermoon.

The proud and arrogant high elves relied on this barrier to greatly reduce their communication with the outside world. They stayed in their own country, studied magic, and absorbed the magic power of the Sunwell to feed the magic addiction that made them happy.