The Most Famous Item in the History of Warcraft

From a massive tree covering the sky, it instantly turned into an ice pillar covering the sky. Nordrassil's change stunned all the alliance soldiers.

Especially the night elves, who had lived here for generations and had a naturally close connection with Nordrassil. When they looked up at the towering ice pillar and felt Nordrassil's life pass away, all of them collapsed!

"No!! How is this possible?!"

The night elves cried in grief and knelt on the ground, looking in despair at the light reflected by the ice on Nordrassil's body. At this moment, this light was so dark that it could even burn their eyes.

But things that broke their hearts came one after another. Roy gently stomped on Nordrassil's tree crown, and huge cracks instantly spread across its body.

These cracks quickly covered Nordrassil's entire body. People stared blankly at the enormous gap in Nordrassil's trunk that reached the roots.