Old Friend

On the vast Great Sea, surging waves were rolling, and heavy and dark clouds were in the sky. Lightning flashed in the clouds from time to time.

These meteorological phenomena undoubtedly indicated that a great storm was about to descend, and storms were the nightmares of voyagers!

However, on this stormy sea, there was a small boat riding the wind and waves. It was a typical night elf-style sail warship. Its workmanship was exquisite and elegant, but its hull was very light, so it could pass through the violent and howling winds without any obstruction.

But what really allowed this warship to sail in storms was not the ship itself but the crew controlling it because the crew on this warship was a group of nagas that looked like snake demons!

Yes, the owner of this warship was Illidan, who had escaped from his cage. Now, he had obtained the help of the nagas led by Lady Vashj.