
As soon as they entered Karazhan, a smell of dilapidation and decay immediately assaulted them.

Unlike what Roy imagined, the Karazhan he saw was not the dungeon in the game but the real Karazhan tower. And the real Karazhan was actually a ruin that had been abandoned for more than twenty years.

Collapsed masonry and wood could be seen everywhere. They were overlapping chaotically, and cobwebs were already covering the gaps. Thick dust coated the ground evenly, indicating that no one had been moving here for a long time, and large rats were scurrying about under the corners in the darkness. A musty smell filled the entire hall.

Even Roy felt a little uncomfortable in the dark environment, so he summoned a ball of flames for lighting. Under the light, he looked at the hall on the first floor of Karazhan. Except for the stone arch opposite and the tall steps that felt a little familiar, the other sights didn't match his memories.