Three Thousand Years in the Blink of an Eye

"F*ck… F*ck!"

When the scene and environment in front of him suddenly changed, Roy was stunned for a long time. After returning to his senses, he couldn't help spitting out a word that he had not used for a long time.

He was still on the original planet. He could vaguely tell this, but be it the collapsed and weathered buildings around him or the objects buried by the sand and wind, it all showed that this place was abandoned.

He looked up and saw the planet's atmosphere reflecting a dark green color. The air was full of toxic dust and gasses, and apart from the howling wind, it was completely silent.

Roy took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to pull something out from the sand on the ground. It looked like a fel cannon, but it was already riddled with holes from rust. Not long after he picked it up, it couldn't bear the load and scattered all over the ground.