
Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were shocked when Roy attacked at the drop of a hat. Facing the countless black light bullets, the two of them quickly crossed their hands in front of their bodies and raised fel energy shields to resist.

However, the two of them didn't expect that these seemingly small light bullets were surprisingly powerful. In just two seconds, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were bombarded by thousands of light bullets, and their fel energy shields were already on the verge of collapse.

They couldn't be beaten passively like this. Before his shield completely collapsed, Kil'jaeden flashed behind Roy and immediately opened his right hand to shoot a lightning bolt at Roy's back.

The lightning bolt with powerful shadow power directly hit Roy and erupted with a dazzling light. But the energy contained in it encountered stronger resistance. It turned into a sphere of electric light around Roy's body and was repelled.