Forced to Fight

This was really… hair-raising.

In fact, Roy had guessed early on that there might be more than one Void Lord. After all, the Void was so vast, so how could there only be one Void Lord in the endless Void World? But his guess had no evidence, so he couldn't verify it.

At least until he spied on Y'Shaarj's fragmented memories…

Among Y'Shaarj's memory fragments, one of them was still very clear.

It was a scene of countless infant Old Gods identical to Y'Shaarj entering the material world from the Void World. Y'Shaarj was naturally among them, and this memory fragment was full of Y'Shaarj's joy and fanaticism. It was happy for its birth and fanatical about its mission.

Perhaps it was because of the deep impression that this memory fragment remained very clear after Y'Shaarj's death, and it was Roy seeing this memory fragment that he confirmed his guess.