This year like the year before

"I don't understand why it's so difficult for you to sit still," December sighed, pouring his friend a cup of tea.

Mach hummed and accepted.

April was reclined in bed, the agony slowly soothing from her brow. And August was busy doing…whatever it was he was doing. Some sort of self-proclaimed research. But if one were to ask March, he looked like he was busy with half daydreaming and half sleeping.

Warm tea trickled down his throat and December pulled up a chair opposite him. "Would it really hurt you to rest?"

March smirked and shot his friend a wink over his teacup, "You know it."

December sighed and shook his head in disapproval.

Well, it was true that March was feeling restless.

In fact, there was something that screamed off in his veins. Like an itch he wanted to scratch but he didn't know the origins of. It was bothering him so much that eventually he rose from his seat.

"Where are you going?" December automatically asked. He almost sounded alarm as would a parent. March wanted to laugh as this poor fool. The Gardener was sometimes too nice and righteous for his own good. If it were up to him, he would have let himself die to January's whip and not lose any sleep over it.

"I want to go see the parade."

August finally looked up from whatever paper was glaring a hole into, "It's best that you don't…" Unlike December, his voice was rather meek.

"Listen to the doctor's orders."

March chuckled at them. Who did they think he was? "Yeah, yeah. Off to bed I go then. Going to catch my beauty sleep." With one last playful grin and a wink he slipped out of the infirmary.

He swore he heard December call after him, but March, like the ever-rebellious fool that he was, ignored his friend's advice and went the opposite direction of his room.

His attention on his surroundings was focused and his steps across the castle almost light. He might now have been January and had no dog's nose for trouble but he had enough sense in him to tell that something was off.

In fact, clarity finally peered through the muddle of memories that swayed precariously in his head. And he was able to pluck out the recollection of one of his little trips to the Patch, meeting one infamous Lioness.

If nothing else, she had quite a cute face, March decided. But there was no doubt that Patch songstress had no place there in the castle.

Clearly something was wrong. March grinned. A little trouble always gives life a nice little spark now, doesn't it?

Treize continued on her way. The wild beating of her heart refused to abide no matter how many deep breaths she took. But those Months were already out of sight! She should be safe now…

Safe would be a little of an overstatement. She was still deep in enemy territories wearing a flimsy disguise and was asking to be caught with her loud anxious heart.

But at least she would be safer away from the Knight and the Gardener…!

Then why wouldn't her heart calm down!? Why did she feel like a mouse being hunted?

Treize scrunched up her nose in displeasure. She refused to allow herself to be riled by such foolish things. She needed to find June and tell him about the little change in plans.

Originally they had planned something quite simple. After Treize had delivered the earrings laced with magic, June would be able to carefully lure the Gardener from the infirmary, allowing November the freedom to enter without trouble.

Treize's role was technically over now. As a Number she had no protection from things like plot and it was extra dangerous for her to even get involved. But she had insisted on helping. She refused to believe that her existence could amount to something as meaningless as a number.

The spine chill continued to creep down her spine. Treize bit her lip and cursed, instinctively quickening her pace. After she turned the corner and an inexplicable impulse took over, one of a frightened deer. She snapped back and peeked over the ledge of the wall.

Only to quickly snap back.

Overwhelming fear threatened to make her hyperventilate. Treize sewed her eyes shut. One, two. She held onto her composure by a thread. And even when her body trembled. Even though terror consumed her, she gulped back the scream and walked.

She quickened her pace. But refused to outright sprint.

The Knight was hot on her heel.

And Treize knew if he caught up to her she would be no better than a mouse caught between the jaws of a cat.

In the halls of the castle, March could easily spring into a sprint to catch her in his fangs and worst, Treize had no such option, lest she wanted to attract the attention of all the lords and ladies and other servants that traveled the castle halls. Her eyes darted side to side, eager to find some sort of heaven-sent exit.

She wanted to believe that she hadn't signed her death warrant yet… Anything please…! She prayed desperately in search of a way out.

Behind her, March could practically scent fear in the air. Ah, perhaps he was a little cruel but who was he to say no to a game of cat and mouse? If a lady wanted him to play then he will happily play. A deadly smile pulled at his lips. He kept his strides steady, never too slow and never too fast.

Let's see how long his amusement would last…


All it took was an awkward smile and an apologetic rub against his neck. June bowed and excused himself, saying that he needed to relieve himself.

No one even batted an eyelash. Well, they were too focused on the festival to take notice of the details. They probably didn't even notice how the star of their show had been switched out and changed. To them, they probably believed that the Princess was the star all along.

She was.

June smirked at the thought.

He made his way out of the courtyard and dumped the ridiculous blue hat behind a bush. June was a good actor. A life spent at court ensured as much. But that didn't mean that he enjoyed acting the jester. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck and wondered just what he was even worried about?

He didn't know and didn't even care. The truth was, June had stopped caring a long time ago. His Privilege gave him innate knowledge of plot details that the other Months were not aware of. In fact, he was willing to bet that he knew even more than the Princess herself.

This knowledge also meant he had the awareness and knowledge from all his previous incarnations.

Just how many December's had he faced? How many April's did they kill? And how many times did he convince November to take up the fore at Kaleidoscope?

He long last track.

June, like the rest of the citizens of Arcadia, was just another cog in the machine. And today, like all other of his incarnations he was to face his final battle and his end.

Excitement pumped through his heart.

Ah well, at least it was still good fun even after all these times. He shrugged at the thought. His image was one molded in the face of Garrett Eitherfel, father of Lorn Eitherfel. However, Queen Cecilia never had the chance to know the man very well. And perhaps it was for that reason that June's personality was weak in comparison to some of the other more prominent Months.

He wasn't going to linger on it. Like the year before and likely the year following, June crept into the castle. Abandoning his disguise, he decided to approach his objective with stealth. With awareness as keen as his own, he was already familiar with the castle's layout and its personality quirks.

It wasn't as lively indoors as usual. Most people have left the confines of castle walls in favor of attending the magnificent parade. This made things a lot easier for June, who dashed through the shadows and hid behind suits of armor when people passed by.

He summoned his Dream and used the little green weasel to create distractions, allowing him even more control of his surroundings.

He supposed this part of today's mission was designed with ease in mind. He counted five lucky straws already. A lady who almost dared to peek behind the corner he was hidden got called by her husband. And after he slinked into a room that was begrudgingly empty, the maid who came in got distracted by gossip her fellow maids were having outside, allowing June the opportunity to escape.

Laughter was barely contained. His uncanny luck was still effective it seemed! June continued his march towards the infirmary.

He was due to meet with Treize…

But the girl was not there at their appointed location. He waited a minute. Two, three, ten. And he could not wait any longer. Unlike Months, Numbers had no guarantees when it came to the fate that would befall them at the hands of the City.

June muttered his prayers before continuing on. However, as he was approaching the interior of the castle he caught sight of Treize on the second level of a hall he was traversing.

He could immediately catch the anxiety in her eyes and wondered what could have shaken her so badly. The answer was not far away.

The Knight was casing her heels.

It was easy to tell who was the predator and who was prey.

June raised a brow and debated his next course of action. This could end up more interesting than he expected.