Chapter 87: Queen (Extra update at 10,000 votes)

Li Yao learned the blueprint and stored the advanced skill rune in his backpack temporarily. He wouldn't use this rune until after becoming a Dark Ranger; it was extremely valuable.

Even though the advanced rune could be adjusted, the waiting time was too long, and he still lacked suitable skill enhancements.

Next, Li Yao began fiddling with the heavy hand cannon while pondering his meeting with the queen.

Time slowly passed. Half an hour later, still no one had summoned Li Yao.

However, Li Yao was not in a hurry. Major decisions involving two races were not made hastily.

Li Yao simply took out his engineering table and began crafting ammunition for the hand cannon himself. The cannon's ammunition was naturally special; the size alone completely overshot a fire gun's bullets. Although it was merely the lowest-grade gunpowder, its power was still considered top-tier for the time being.