Chapter 94: Arrest

For Hunters, four talent trees are revealed after level ten.

They are divided into Beast King Hunting, Shooting Hunting, Trap Hunting, and Jungle Hunting.

The Beast King seeks to grow with the pet, the pet gains a lot of attribute bonuses, and the elite branch is simply the Beast Master.

Shooting Hunting pursues personal power, emphasizing individual attack power, and the pets are relatively weak. Elite occupations like Lone Wolf Hunting, which forgoes pets, and Demon Hunters who utilize dark power, are examples.

Trap Hunters focus on survival and traps, using talent points to enhance the power and function of traps. The most distinctive elite occupation is the Mechanism Master, although it tends to be more supportive and wild.

Jungle Hunting, also known as close combat hunting, allows hunters to use a spear for middle-distance attacks and a weapon for close combat.