Chapter 433 Level 20

There was a small slope extending from the water beneath the holograph across, where the Frogmen could attack. This was the cause of the Frogman General's confidence.

In his view, the prince had already become trapped like a turtle in a jar with no escape. No matter the cost today, victory would come from taking down the prince and returning with his head. He was also covetously eyeing the ancestral treasure of the Frogman race. If he didn't have grand ambitions, he wouldn't have betrayed the prince.

The Frogmen also had long-range professions. However, very few Shamans could heal, essentially equivalent to Elemental Shamans who mastered some lightning spells, and the other spell-type Frogman who mastered poison.

Then there were warriors with tridents, and the absence of defensive professions. This was true for various races, and only those races within the three major factions had a complete professional system.