Chapter 764: Encounter with Lizardmen

The convoy moved at an impressive speed, initially passing by many pedestrians. But as time ticked on, the streets became desolate and deserted.

Putting aside the alien players, the rampaging undead alone had already proven to be troublesome.

Even though many years had passed, the undead had grown rampantly, devoid of their own will and, by strict definitions, did not belong to the Scourge Legion.

These undead roamed aimlessly across the land, attacking any and every living creature they came across.

During their journey, they encountered several groups of these undead. Li Yao didn't interfere, and they didn't bother him either, making for a surprisingly leisurely journey.

Like this, they traveled until darkness fell. It was a peaceful journey, and if they continued to travel through the night, they'd reach their destination by dawn.