Chapter 1351: The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

Zone Channel: The United Army has now finished assembling, and there are still many who have not joined the legions. This is your last chance. Once the legions enter the deeper world, they will activate the Array and close the entrance. By then, no one will be able to enter.

Zone Channel: We want to reiterate the rules once more. The legions are only temporarily formed, and there is no concept of who leads whom. This is just to ensure that everyone can rush into the deeper world. After entering the lower levels, the legions will automatically disband.

Zone Channel: This is your last chance, either join a legion or, before the legion attacks, enter the lower levels on your own. For those who choose the second option, we give you a quarter of an hour. After that, anyone not part of the legions who disrupts the formations will face activated attacks from everyone.