Chu Ge Learns Magic

Now, it was time to search for loot again.

Chu Ge secretly prayed that he would get the skill book of the fire spray magic that the Kobold Firescryer had just used. He walked and prayed at the same time, and came to stand beside the Kobold Firescryer's corpse.

The first treasure he found was seven silver coins. It was no surprise to him that the first thing he saw was money.

Chu Ge continued searching for loot. The item he found was a robe.

"Kobold's Robe (Cloth Armor/Breastplate)

Body Defense: 8

Leg Defense: 4

Arm Defense: 4

Item Introduction: A robe made of wolf's skin that was treated with smoke. It radiates a strange smell."

"What trash!" Chu Ge threw the robe on the ground with disdain, thinking to himself that whoever wanted such trash could have it for all he cared.

Chu Ge continued his search for treasure, and what he found next was a candle. But the candle looked very different from the ones he found on the other Kobolds.

"Kobold's Magical Candle (Off-hand Item/Magical Item)

Stats: Flame Magic Strength +1, Illumination Range +2

Equipment Skill: Dispersing Darkness. After use, the candle emits an intense ray of light, dispersing the darkness around the area. Lasts for ten seconds, with a cooldown period of 60 seconds.

Item Introduction: For the Kobolds, who live underground, they are frightened of the terrifying presence of the being that lurks in the shadows. Therefore, they treat the candle, which could be used to disperse darkness, as a treasure. However, only a handful of Kobolds know that the only real method to protect themselves was to use a Magical Candle."

Oh? It was a magical item, and it could even be equipped? Chu Ge thought the item was new and exciting. But what kind of skill was Dispersing Darkness?

He picked up the candle, and subconsciously, he could feel there was a subtle mental link between himself and the candle. As expected of a magical item, it was a class above the rest. Compared to the useless mission equipment that he previously looted, the feeling of the candle in his hands was very different.

"Dispersing Darkness!" He thought in his heart, and the dim, weak flame on the candle in his hands suddenly burned brighter and more furiously. The light from the flame instantly lit the surroundings, but the glow was gentle and not at all glaring.

What did that mean? Was lighting up the surroundings the only skill the candle had after equipping? Chu Ge looked at the bright surroundings, and could not help but want to curse. But he had to admit, the illumination was still pretty good. At least, it was brighter than a flashlight. Besides, it also had the effect of Flame Magic Strength +1, so it wasn't completely useless. The only downside was that the +1 was too little.

Chu Ge continued his search for loot. The fourth item he got was a skill book.

Chu Ge's heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be that he had found the fire spray skill, or had he?

His heart fell with disappointment when he saw the book.

"Flame Missile (Skill Book/Magic)

Magic Type: Elemental

Magic Rank: Apprentice Magic

Learning Requirements: Intelligence 10, Vitality 12

Skill Introduction: Shoots a fireball at your enemy. Costs 5 MP to cast.

Item Introduction: A magic skill book that teaches the Flame Missile technique."

Chu Ge looked at the skill book he held in his hands. He did not know if he should be feeling happy or disappointed. Although it was a magic skill, it was not the one he had wanted. But thinking about it from another angle, at least it was a magical skill, wasn't it?

Unfortunately, although his intelligence had met the requirements for learning, his vitality stat was still a little off from the minimum requirement. It was frustrating. Why were his stats always lacking by one or two points? The most frustrating thing for Chu Ge was that strength and endurance could be increased through training his body. But how was he going to increase his vitality stats?

He didn't care too much about not being able to learn the Poised to Strike skill. After all, many people had combat skills in real life. The only difference was that their movements were different. But was actually magic! There were so many people who once held a dream that they would be able to practice magic and cast spells, even if it were only low-leveled magic.

"No can do. I have to think of a way," Chu Ge wrecked his brain hard while looking at the magic skill book in his hands.

But as expected of his 11 intelligence points, after pondering for quite a while, Chu Ge thought of a solution. Though, he was quite unsure if it would actually succeed.

Returning to his living room, he took off the fire-resistant suit and the rest of his armor. Then, he boiled a pot of water and prepared not one, not two, but three cups of thick, black coffee.

In the past, when he was playing games throughout the night, he often liked to prepare a cup of coffee for himself. After drinking the coffee, he would always feel energized. Chu Ge felt that if vitality was similar to mental alertness, which was what he had thought it meant, then coffee should be able to increase his vitality stats for a short period.

Although he was not sure he was right, he would only know whether it had succeeded after he had tried it. It would be fantastic if the coffee was effective.

After downing three cups of coffee in one go, he sat in front of the computer and trained his eyes on his character stats.

After a few minutes, just as the effects of the coffee's caffeine kicked in, Chu Ge could feel his brain getting more and more alert. The character stats in the monitor screen suddenly jumped, increasing to vitality 12 from vitality 11.

"Wahahaha! It actually worked!" Chu Ge was jumping with joy in his heart.

Then, he told himself, "Hurry! Don't wait for your vitality to drop again!" As he reprimanded himself, he took out the Flame Missile skill book in haste.

In real life, the skill book still looked squarish and like a book. On the cover was an image of a flying fireball with a trail of blazing flames.

Chu Ge tried to flip open the book. Just as the book was flipped open, the whole magic skill book turned into a golden stream of heat and disappeared. Chu Ge's eyes flashed with a glint of light, and at that moment, there was a lot of strange information that appeared in his mind.

It was information on magic.

All the information about the Flame Missile technique.

He stretched a palm out, and thought in his mind—Flame Missile! The next instant, there was a mass of flames that appeared at the top of his palm. The flame wasn't burning at all. Chu Ge knew that he was able to control the mass of fire. With mental concentration, Chu Ge was able to control the mass of flames to form a fireball, which he held in his hand.

Elation flashed in Chu Ge's eyes, "Haha! Magic! I can cast magic now!"

He looked at the fireball in his hands hypnotized in fascination, the overwhelming excitement that washed over him even made his hand shiver. The fire was an uncontrollable and violent element of the natural world, and it was tamed, controlled, and grasped in his hands! At that moment, Chu Ge felt an indescribable feeling overwhelm him. Such powers were genuinely worthy of risking his life to pursue.

It was only until he felt the fireball in his hands starting to become uncontrollable and unstable that he hurriedly flicked his hand to release his hold on the fireball. The fireball instantly flew out of his hand. With a bang, the teapot and few class cups on the coffee table exploded to smithereens.

Chu Ge was pleasantly surprised. His initial impression of the Flame Missile's power was that it was trashy. It was because he had been wearing the fire resistance suit and the bomb suit previously, so he had felt nothing even after getting hit by the fireball a few times. However, he realized it now. The power and force of the Flame Missile were quite strong. If he was going up against an enemy that had no protection, the threat of the Flame Missile would still be quite threatening to the enemy.

Besides, it was only apprentice-level magic. He was confident that he would be able to learn even more powerful magic in the future.