
Amy's P.O.V.

As everyone was ordering suddenly, Mr. Chauhan opened his mouth and asked me, smirking.

"You should order for me, Ms. Amaya."

Everyone stilled, and I was trying to stop myself from kicking his face, seeing me restraining bubbling anger inside,

He again said, letting out a small chuckle, and his eyes looked a little bit ambitious.

"You are also from Country A, I presume, and you are staying here, so you should know about both Countries delicacies, so I thought you could suggest something good to eat and also a little bit related to our eating preferences."

After listening, everyone sighed in relief. I smiled brightly at him and said,

"Sure, why not? It's my honor."I started to order some spicy food and too sweet food because not only I am not aware of Country A people preferences also I knew about his eating preferences, and I know he always ate everything that is not too spicy and not too sweet if he ate then his stomach will get upset

'He dared to come in front of me even trying to make fun of me if it is past I would have gulped down this because of him and also for (sigh) let it be,' I sighed inwardly, 'but now there is nothing that hinders me hmph' I huffed inwardly.

The waiter took the order and went out, so everyone was just chatting and eating entrée, I was just sitting quietly and eating, and I know someone's eyes are on me, so I am getting irritated,

And again, Mr. Chauhan targeted me.

"Ms. Amaya, when did you come here? How many years have passed? because I can still hear the accent of Country A

Before I could retort, James stopped me by pressing my hand. He answered

"Three years have been passed."

And he gave me a look, so I stopped from bursting. I could see someone with mischievous eyes and even grinning, and II can see he thinks that I have some sort of relation with James, but I don't care because I already stopped caring about these things.

Before the atmosphere turned, a more awkward lunch was served. All started eating in silence, but Mr. Chauhan started to cough, and even his eyes began to become red. He was glaring at me, but I just smirked at him, but everyone was tense, so I pretended to be worried and scared and asked him.

"Sir, are you okay? Why are you coughing so vigorously? Oh my!! Is food too spicy for you? So sorry, I thought you would love it. I didn't know sorry for this."

Uncle Ivan patted my head and said, "It's not your fault; you don't even know his preference, so it's okay. Don't be sad."

I nodded my head pitifully and bowed my head so no one could see that my lips are upward and I am smiling, drinking water. He stopped coughing and said

"It's okay. No need to be sorry."

But I can see his eyes are darkening. He ordered less spicy food and started to eat even desserts that are too sweet. He only took one bite.

After eating, I asked Uncle Ivan

"Is I needed here?"

He said, "No, you can return and thank you, child."

I replied warmly, "It's okay, Uncle."

and bid Bye to everyone

Rahul seeing a departing figure of Amaya, asked Mr.Ivan

"Sir Mayor, Is she a relative of yours?"

Mayor Ivan shook his head and replied,

"No, She is a friend of my daughter and is also like a daughter to me."

Rahul just nodded his head then,

Just his assistant politely said

"Everyone, we can meet at night for dinner and discussion as our boss is a little bit tired from the plane journey, Please."

Everyone nodded their head and bid a farewell,

As Rahul was moving to his room, his phone rang. He saw the caller Id and smiled let the phone ring

and his assistant asked after seeing this

"Boss, why are you not picking calls? It's from Hr-"

Rahul lifted his hand to stop asking further and grinned, saying,

"I thought coming here would be boring, but now I am thinking it's good that I thought of coming personally here; otherwise, I would have missed something significant, now it's going to be fun."

And laughed loudly then stopping said getting in the room,

"I want all information about Ms. Amaya, every single thing about her."


Amaya went directly to Bakery and started her work again. She didn't think much about this meeting, but she didn't know it's going to jeopardize her life.

After letting all the employees leave and ensuring that everything is fine, I locked the bakery and went to the parking lot as I bought a car today for the meeting, so I directly came here after lunch. I thought that I did well by bringing the car today as Bella had a date. After James completed the discussion, he came to take Bella out for a date; I got into the car and came home in five mins because of one, my home is near the bakery, and second, at 11 P.M there will be no traffic.

Entering the home, I directly went to the kitchen for drinking water, and then I went to the bathroom for a shower. Coming from the shower, I was drying my hair at the time I got the call.

When I saw the name, I became happy, and I answered the phone,

"Hello Papa, How are you?"

From that side, a cheerful voice came,

"My child, I am good. How are you? Are you okay? Is everything fine?"

So many questions came at once for a second I don't know what to say, Papa start call my name as I didn't respond,

"Amaya! Amaya!"

I came back to sense and hearing panic from my father voice I hastily replied,

" Papa, I am here. I am fine, and How is Mother, Brother, and Everyone?"

He replied,

" Everyone is good."

Then dead silence spread both sides, then taking a deep breath, I asked,

"How is 'he'?"

He sighed and said,

"'He' is okay but not good you know 'his' yearn for you, every time in the festivals or function 'he' will wait for you after seeing you are not there, 'he' always becomes silent, can't you come back? It's okay if you came back; everyone is waiting for you."