
Amy's P.O.V.

Is he taking me for envoys of countries or some organization that works between both Countries? What excuse?

I am frustrated that I can't kill that person if that person is here means big trouble will occur. I don't know what I have to face this time.

I held my face between my hands and started to rub my face rudely to ease the annoyance that is bubbling inside me. Then I changed my dress with more formal as always the black color trouser and coat with pale blue shirt went to the garage to fetch my car to go to hotel "Novan's," where the conference will start sharp 10.

As I am angrily marching towards the venue, scolding him in my mind

I don't know if this conference will be the start of changes and the past will come here in my present to change my future tremendously. I didn't have any option, so I have to move forward and bring many changes to my life, and my peaceful life will be upside down.

In the hotel room,

In the early morning,

Rahul got news from people he planted to follow Amaya that she is not going to be present at the conference, so he thought if she didn't come how will this going to be fun, I have to make sure that she has to be present there at any cost.

With this thought, he called Mr. Riley Novan requested that the "translator" have to be there no matter what, and with that, he peacefully started to get ready for the conference. 

As he was going out of the room, his phone pinged. When he saw the message on display, they will be here in five hours. he became happier that days here will be thrilling.

At conference hall

The conference ended, and everyone started to prepare themselves for the party to get profit by bonding with a big company. 

Everyone is pleased because it is an opportunity to shine and gain a footing in the more incredible business world, where elites can only have a chance even after going bankrupt. They can come back in the same force, so everyone is excited.

In the whole conference, I didn't do single help as a "translator." They didn't even need me, but Rahul made me come; how hateful!!

For everyone,

  The hotel arranged the  rooms so, after the conference, 

  They can directly get ready for the party, as the party is going to start in an hour and so,

Here Bella starts to nag me to wear a dress for the party. When I saw the dress, I almost fainted who wore this type of dress. It is so tiny that it can only fit a 7-year-old child, and it is backless and sleeveless. I am adamant about not wearing this thing. Eww...

[Author's Note: No offence on short dresses but there are still conservative people, for example, me (winking)]

As we got two rooms, one for me, Bella, her mom Catherine, her aunt Ava, Her cousin Karyn and James mom Maddie, and other space for Uncle Ivan, Uncle Riley, James, Uncle Bruno, and Bill are getting ready

After a lot of arguments, I agreed to wear a dress but not that thing. I choose one black color floral body-hugging plain gown with earrings and one black purse in hand. I made a simple bun and let some hairs loosely on the face with some eyeliner highlighting eyes and dark red lipstick, and I got ready.

  Bell was wearing a Blue gown with James matching suit. They both look perfect for each other. I promised myself that I wouldn't let this happiness fade.

And went to the party,

  I excused myself so that I wouldn't mingle this boring talk.

'Everyone in the great spirit, many are foreigners with drinks in hand and partners like wife, girlfriend, secretary or mistress.

Everyone showing a perfect business smile. Some are here bootlicking superior to them. Some are just praising each other with lies.

It is the place where we can see everything like honesty, brutality, lies, facades, schemes, and lascivious behavior in the high profile.

These people always say commoners are dirt, do dirty doings, are schemers, but can they compare to these nobles and legends of high social society?

Where a mistress can rise to the main wife or an official girlfriend can be called a third party,

here in the smiling eyes hides thousands of thoughts trample anyone, who knows when they can stab others for their selfish desires

As Amaya sat in the corner where everything can be seen with a soft drink in hand and seeing and thinking these things with ridicule in her eyes when someone tapped her shoulder, it startled her when she turned only to see Bella and James.

"Hey Babes," Bella chirped.

"Hey Guys," I said, nodding at them, and James just smiled; they also returned the nod.

"Hey, Are you bored?" Bella asked, seeing me sitting in the corner and making a face like 'don't come near.'

"Yup, very, very bored, who wants to be here? Seeing the face of these people and their behavior, it feels like the market is even better.

See there that woman in the pink dress, I think she is wearing her daughter's dress, everything is on display, oh god! and there that man he is seeing every woman like he wants to eat yuck!! And he even kept sending winks to other women, such shameless people.

I think the women are impoverished. They can't even afford a single piece of clothes that can fully adore their body, and those men, I feel, are like stud horses, can't wait for the night to come. I guess if they are mistakenly let freed, then they will start to jump on anyone.

I can't even take a fresh breath to hear the smell of their perfume. I think they are coming directly from the perfume factory where they have been soaked for at least a year. I am feeling sick from all these things," I said, getting annoyed.