Welcome Party

"Amy oops Aanya your son is so cute, I love him" Bella starts to gush

"Hi Asav, really nice to meet you too handsome" Bella enthusiastically greeted

"Hi Asav, It's nice to meet you too," James said with a warm smile

But Bill was in shock that seeing Aanya's son after recovering bit he greeted awkwardly,

"Hello Asav, Nice to meet you too my boy"

Then the maid came to remind her again about the party,

"Oh yes let's go backward garden, there is dinner being held, we should hurry," Aanya said to everyone

Then she took her son's hand and starts to walk towards the garden behind her Bill stopped both Bella and James and seriously asked folding his hands before his chest showing that he is not going to budge before he got an answer,

"Don't you guys have to explain something to me?"

"What?" Bella is now also playing innocent

"Don't play dumb Bella?" Bill said sternly

"Okay, Okay But we are also got to know recently, and we are more shocked than you" James replied

Then after not hearing anything from behind Aanya turned around only to see all three are talking not even moving an inch

"Guys come on" Aanya shouted

"Okay we will talk about this after a dinner party," James said

Then they hurriedly followed Aanya,

They went to the garden only to see there are many people are present and seeing them it felt like they are some big shots

When Aanya entered everything went in silence, a pin drop silence

Some are showing surprise, some are shocked, some are happy, some are stunned, some are jealous, some are unhappy, some are disappointed and some are dissatisfied seeing Aanya back

Seeing all this when her friend saw Aanya because if she has any expression on the face of people she didn't even blink her eyes her face only expressionless also Asav have this cold face which shows that he is mature child

Aanya directly went towards her family, she didn't even greet anyone as the whole people who came here have no relation with her, her friends also followed her

Seeing new faces also following Aanya everyone are surprised they starts to whispering but they can here whatever they were whispering

"Who are they?" One asked with curiosity

"Why are they with Miss Aanya?" Someone asked

"Are they her friends? I can't say that ice-cold face even make friends with anyone" Someone ridiculed

"I don't know why she came back? The last time when she was here, Eldest Young Master's wedding stopped not only that even she made sure that no girl can come near Mr. Aarsh. She is an arrogant woman" Some girl said in great jealousy and upset

"I know but what can do, who told her to be Eldest daughter of this big family" Someone sighed

"You know I also heard that in this family almost everyone gives her way, no one dare to block her from doing something she wants, she arrogant woman" Another one gossiped

"All of you are just jealous of her because she has the ability to arrogant also what she does is nothing to have with you all, did you guys ever saw anyone from the Singh or Raizada family saying any dissatisfied words" Someone said in the stand of Aanya

"Okay, you just bootlicking her so you can get any benefits from her right?" Someone said that man in ridicule

Listening to all this Bella want to go there and beat some of those idiots to the death so they can stop talking behind her back and also stop ridiculing her but James stopped her, James and Bill also can't take this but have to bear it

But Aanya is not even showing a hint of sorrow or being upset as these words not about her

Just she went towards her family and greeted them,

"Grandpa, Grandma, Papa, Ma, Brother, Ayu"

"You came good, you are looking good," Aanya's Grandpa said with a warm smile which made his wrinkled face to lovely

Also, Asav greeted them,

"Great-Grandpa, Great-Grandma, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt"

"My Good Boy after seeing your mother you look more happy good, good" Aanya's Great Grandma said with a smile

Aanya's friend also greeted them, everyone also greeted them back happily

Just at that time, some footsteps sounded and a majestic voice came

"After coming back you didn't even remember that you also have another family which also loves you Anu, I am not happy with you," A stern-aged male voice said but it also has elegance same as Aanya's Grandpa.