
"I will forgive you as I don't want to embarrass you infront of your guests so as apology token you will be making today's feast for dinner so apology accepted" Manav said again righteously

Everyone speechless

Not want to embarrass

'After saying all those things you now remembers that there is someone you idiot'

Aanya thought

"Apology accepted!! my foot" Aanya murmured

"Huh!! Did you say something?" Manav asked in confusion

"Nothing I just said that that yeah I want you to meet my friends" Aanya stammered bit not knowing what to say

"Yeah come on" Manav dragged her

'This guy after being a father of four year child he still behaves like child himself I don't know how she grew up under his care' Aanya thought sighing

Everyone staring at them, Rachel is the calmest one because she is not seeing this for the first time, every time when they both met it is like this but others are speechless

"Let me introduce him to you guys" Aanya said clearing her throat as she saw awkward atmosphere

"This guy is Manav Agnihotri, my best friend and cousin as my Grandma's niece's Son

also he is now CEO of Agnihotri's" Aanya introduced him in simple manner

"And Mannu, They are my friends Isabella, James and Bill, they're here to get some experience in work so in future when they took over the companies it will help them so they came with me" Aanya introduced

They all nodded at him and said,

"Hi Nice to meet you"

"Hello Nice to meet you too" Manav replied

Then Aanya indicated Rachel to take them for their working place, she turned and said to them

"Bella, You guys can start to work from now on, also if there are any problems with the work contact Rachel or me, if there are any conflicts or anyone targets you for nothing then no need to worry about holding back just do what you think right If there are any consequences I will bear" Aanya said in concerned voice

"Okay You know me Amy I will never hold back " Bella said in serious manner

After they left Manav went to talk with Asav

"Hey boy You are here" Manav said

"How are you future father- in-law? How is my soon-to- be wife?" Asav asked in very serious face

"You You you... who said I am going to marry my precious daughter to you? Who is your future father-in-law and who is your soon-to-be wife? Aanya talk with your son I am never going to marry my precious daughter to anyone, they are all bad guys" Manav roared in rage

"Don't drag me in this son-in-law and father-in-law's talk I am out of it" Aanya said stifling her bubbling laughter

"You both Mother-son pair colluding for my daughter remember I didn't approved" Manac said in threatening manner

"Okay you adults talk I will go outside and future father-in-law remember to tell my soon-to-be wife that I miss her" Asav said running towards door as Manav already in destructive mode

Hearing that Manav starts to look around so if anything got in his hands he will throw that towards Asav before that Asav already out of the door

"Okay why are you so angry? it is just a child talking" Aanya pacified him

After room turned into silence, calming himself Manav asked,

"What is your plans for future or I can say for your past?"

Aanya paused tearing her gaze from documents she was reading saw Manav and asked him but her voice already sobered and deep, her eyes are gaurding from showing any feeings they are now like deeper when you stare at them it felt like you fell in deep dark abyss,

"Why are you asking?"

Manav Sighed feeling helpless now also she is guarding, she is really hurt so much of cautiousness,

"You know that I will always support you no matter what, I know you are planning to expand business in Country B not only for company's Future but also to take revenge so I want to help you last time was unknown mistake we did but this time we don't want you to be shoulder all your baggage we are here your family"

"I know Aarsh said this all things to you right? Thanks I know you all here for me but I am not weak now I can face any situations alone, I know this time I can't fall apart because there is someone who is waiting for me my son Asav for him I will make sure that I am safe but this blood debt must be taken from me if not I will always live in shadows of those heart wrenching pain, This blood debt have to return also with interest" Aanya said with thirst for revenge as her eyes showed many emotions pain, hatred, agony, guilt, remorse everything