
"Young Miss today went to company with Youngeat Master and her friends, she planned to let her friends to work and get experience there after that Young Master Manav came to company to meet her as for the information they didn't got anything about that, Sorry Boss" A guard passed all messages at once

"It's Okay, leave" He said turning towards window to see outside scenery

"Now I have to wrap my work here so I can be there as I promised, wait for me" He murmured


Country B

Hruday after coming back from the Country A ,

He start to send peoples to search where about His Maya or Amaya but he got none not even a clue that there is a person in this description in Country M, he did lot of search sending troops to everywhere he thought that Maya may be there but as days passed he starts to get agitated as he felt his Maya drifting away from him

He starts to panic also he felt like great failure that he didn't even have a power to find where about of his wife

So nowadays he is like living in his office not going home, even on sunday's he is working everyone starts to get worried many of them try to talk some sense in him but he is numb for all this only one thing in his mind that he have to become more powerful otherwise he will lose his wife forever and he will never allow that to happen

One mistake already cost him so much he can't do same mistake again because I know god given him one chance to correct his fault and to make everything right if he loses then he will lose everything and his life will be without any meaning

He was gazing outside as he thought all of this,

Someone knocks on the door

He retreated his eyes from outside as he gathers his thoughts

"Come in"

"Boss" His special assistant Vedant came

Hruday gestures him to say, but Vedant littlie bit hesitates

"Boss, Ms.Khanna called me to ask about you as she can't reach you also said to pass message that you have to go with her to buy engagement ring as soon as possible as both families on the way of picking dates, What should I reply"

Vedant starts to think while feeling sad

' I only said to Ms.Khanna that your not reachable at this moment but the truth is Boss already blocklisted her number and now she starts to harass me, please Boss she is really annoying it is best to get rid of her soon

Otherwise she will make me go mad before I got married and already working with you I got aged and now I start to look like 40 aged person and I doubt if these things continued I will never get married let alone about kids atleast you have married once and now has fiance but I didn't even have girlfriend'

Hruday didn't reply himsuddenly but he starts to think somthing, then he said

"Call Khanna's and my family for dinner and also book a private room in restaurant I have to put my plans into motion and today will be first step"

"Okay Boss, anything else?" Vedanth asked even if he has his own guess and also shocked by his own speculation he didn't show it in face

"And also tell them that when they are finding news about Maya, do search on her friends from Country A who left with her if we got trace of them it is easy to find her" Hruday said with his own considerations

"Okay Boss" Veant said

"Leave" Hruday dismissed him so he left

After coming from the office he sighed in relief as he went to his office where he and Tina Boss Special Secretary shares as they both are Hruday's confidents

Seeing him happy Tina asked in confusion,

"What made you so happy that even coming fromthe Boss cabin you are smiling?"

"I think we will have good days ahead" Vedanth said in mysterious tone

"What" Tina asked not understanding

"I think no no I am sure Boss is going to break-off the engagement with Ms.Khanna" Vedanth said

"Huh!! What !! break off how is it even possible" Tina looked at Vedant in unbelievable face

"It is possible as I think boss is going to reconcile with Ma'am" Vedant said as he is very happy for Boss

"Really!! that's wonderful, when Ma'am is going to back by the way where was she until now? Why couldn't we get any information about her" Tina said with huge smile and she almost jumping like child

Because they both knew that Maya Ma'am always been true to Boss and always loved him and also supported hi, they both have seen how Ma'am cared for Boss, also how Boss loves Maya Ma'am, so when she disappeared from their life it's like thunder strucked them

Then Boss's engagement with Ms. Khanna the so-called best lady with all perfections who is only have right to stand beside Boss, their bad days started as she starts to order them also she is annoying and two-faced bitch, her voice is like dying horse when she try to talk sweetly infront of Boss they almost puked theie guts they had only thought that if Boss really married her then his life is doomed to be in tragedy

They have planned to sabotaging the wedding but after giving some thought they realized main point that Boss didn't get divorce from Maya Ma'am so even if he wants to marry he have to get divorce and until recently they found Maya Ma'am and now Boss is going to cancel the wedding it is good sign and they both happy for the Boss

Seeing their seniors behaving like child secretaries and assistants curiously one of them asked

"Brother, what happened?Why are you both happy?"

"Nothing, now go to work" Vedant said with serious expression but his eyes are showing how happy he is

They went to their seat to work while muttering,

"Why both of them behaving like they hit jackpot"