
He always felt that there is something that was overlooked by him when this clue he got he starts to find out about that but it is difficult because there are many things that didn't make any sense to him but he is sure that everything he found is related to her completly but those things are just like puzzle that he couldn't put together

Once he lost her but again it is impossible for him, so he is going to win over her, in his life the first happiness that he felt was her, witout her he is just empty shell,

"Jaan you have to come back soon I am very tired of waiting please" Hruday murmured softly with eyes filled of love, pain, regreat and lots of memories

"And I will make sure that everything is ready, I will help you to pick those throwns in your way towards me and destroy them, today I am taking first step towards there by breaking this agreement so when you come back there will be nothing for you to dissatisfied with me" Hruday again said as he was gazing out of the wind and his mind flashed with Maya's face which is filled with laughter and carefreeness of past that he never saw in Country A

Assistant Vedant called all the family members of Patel's and Khanna's as per Hruday's order

He only said, " Boss said to inform you there is dinner for both family and also discussing about arrangements"

No other word left from his mouth even if they asked in every way

Every person who got call puzzled by the reason of this dinner

Some people are happy that they thought he was called for dinner is because to discuss preparation of engagement

But there are also some smart people who got know something is amiss

But what....

They have to wait for dinner though

At the restaurant all the family members of Patel's and khanna's are present as Hruday didn't come until now, so all are talking about engagement mainly ladies were talking sometimes men are just giving suggestions if they are being asked

But in all these, there are some who didn't open their mouth to let single word like these things are not related to them just like they are never part of this discussion

At this time as everyone busy talking and doing their own work door of the private room opened and Hruday came with Vedanth

He didnt say anything but directly went towards the seat which is not too close to anyone also not too far seeing that everyone's face changed little bit

Only nodded at his parents and his brother, he didn't even saw his brother's wife also didn't acknowledge her as family member

Seeing this Vedanth also little bit surprised but he didn't show it in face, he just came and stand behind the Hruday

He saw that on right side of the Boss is sitting Patel's like Boss's Father Harshvardan Patel, a very mature and handsome middle aged person who is in his 50's, you can say Boss got his handsomeness from him and also a powerful figure in Country A because he is participating in politics so at very early age like in his 45 or something he handed everything to his son and went to politics next to him his wife Reema sharma, a equally powerfull woman and also businesswoman she is inspiration for many women also loving mother of two sons but she never looks aged more than 35 she is elegant and has noble aura, then their second son or I can say little brother of Boss, Hrudan Patel, he is general in military also youngest one now want to partcipate in politics also want to follow his father's foot steps next to him his wife Shanaya Kapoor , a famous doctor in her own hospital, as for the elders of the family they never did attend any dinners like this they never liked to be here except one when Ma'am was there

On to left of the Boss sitting Khanna's Mahendra Khanna, a businessman next to him his wife Vimal Tripati then their two daughters Misha Khanna, A list actress and Meera Khanna, a famous designer

Patel's and Khanna's status can never match because Patel's has history of one of the founding family of Country B, In whole Country no one can shake their foot hold other than one family - The Singh's which disappeared 20 or something year back now because when this Country founded, the founder are ancestors of Patel's and Singh's but now whole Country has Parel's only, there is say 'You can offend the God because may he forgive you but not Patel's because you will never know when did you disappeared '

But Khanna's, they even didn't have history of 50 years, before 25 or so years back they had normal business but after that they raised suddenly and became powerfull no one knew what happened and how it is mystery

Both families are friends but they don't have such deep relation but Khanna's want to connect with Patel's through Marriage after Ma'am left Khanna's planned many things to only have marriage arrangements, they did succeed after 5-6 years of plotting but now it is also going to gutter not only that if Boss got information that Khanna's have a hand in disappearance of Ma'am they will be destroyed without anything

Vedant was remembering all the memories at that time annoying voice came, he shuddered and even took step back in fear and startle

"Hruday Baby"

This move didn't escape from many eyes even Hruday also saw before he could do anything Misha came to sit beside him and holdedhis arm like leech, Hruday went stiff because many know that Mr. Hruday Patel is clean freak has mysophobia and he will get ill if any woman touched him even in business parties he never shaked hand with any women, Misha always tried to get near him many ways but she never succeeded in seducing him because she always thought she is special and different in Hruday's life

Hruday gripped Misha's hand and ripped from his arm and said

"Don't touch me"

Vedant came forward and took wet tissues to wipe where Misha touched seeing that everything went in silence at that time there is snicker

Misha got embarrassed also her face became red due to that, so she wants to sit beside Hruday but a voice stopped her

"Get Out"

Hruday said in irritate, then turned towards Vedant and said,

"Sit down, do you need invitation for that"

"Okay Boss" Not wanting to irritate his Boss more he came to sit where Misha planned to sit

Misha's eyes filled with tears, she pitifully stared Hruday but he didn't even turned his eyes to see her

From entering to until now Hruday never turned his eyes towards Khanna's and didn't even acknowledge them

That was already humilation enough to them but now Misha's embarrassment added fuel in