Restless Night

He was really in bad mood because of all these and first he needs to fix everything because most of all those projects which he completed or in hand are all grace of Patel's, as everyone knew that his daughter is going to marry one of the most handsome and powerful bachelor of the Country, his status and social circle everything changed but now he have to bear everything that he only hopes this will not affect his company that badly so he can fix it

But there is a say Karma is bit**, she will come and bite back this is not end but starting of Khanna's destruction but these fools didn't eveb know what is going to hit them, poor Khanna's

When everyone came home, Mr. Khanna didn't take a rest but directly went to company because he want to minimize the loss when the news of engagement canceling come out, it will definitely hit hard and all the shares will drop

Before going he only said,

"Misha, now you have to take this chance and anyhow have to convince Patel's, I believe after this will our chance is really less but we have one more card you know who is that right? if nothing left then we only have that so first try all then will see"

"Yes daddy, I will see what will happen" Misha said after thinking for while and her face brightened thinking that she have trump card in her hand

Seeing that everyone calmed down

Patel's Mansion

After leaving restaurant Hruday went directly to company, he came home late and thought everyone would have been already went to sleep but when he saw that lights of leaving room is on, he speculated that everyone wants to talk about today's matter so he directly came in

But he was surprised that his grandparents also present there, he directly called

"Grand Pa, Grand Ma"

"Ma, Pa"

To Hrudan she just nodded at him but he didn't once glance at Naina,

Grand Ma said,

"Hruday, you came"

Then everyone sat there in silence, it was little bit awkward so Grand Ma asked,

"Did you had dinner? or should I inform kitchen to prepare"

"No, Grand Ma I already had"

Without waiting for anyone Grand Pa said,

"About today's matter what you did we will not interfere in your decision and also this decision of yours is good it should have been made earlier, it shouldn't have been dragged until now, it makes ugly and also we let Khanna's to take advantage of us, so we shouldn't let it go on like this, you should inform our PR Department to release this news so the earlier we solve this problem the better"

Seeing that his Grand Pa didn't have any problem also giving suggestions he felt happy,

Small smile came on his face,

"As you say Grand Pa"

"I am really happy, I really didn't like her, she is really pretentious white lotus and after acting in entertainment industry she forgot about her real life and also start acting like kind, obedient young lady of family but she didn't know we have seen world more than her and above all this they even lied to us about him saving my son humph!! he really thought we all are fools, what a bullsh** family, I should just make them disappear from this Country" Grand Ma said with deep anger and resentment that a small family which can be trampled by their family played them for years so she is full of anger bubbling inside her

"Grand Ma don't be angry, it is waste to get angry on small things like this, it will affect your health so I will take care of all these things and you should take care of your self" Hruday pecifies her

"Hruday, about Maya..." His Ma questioned him but she didn't ask any further because she herself didn't know what to ask and how

"Maya, I have already met her" Hruday said after taking deep breath


"Where is she now?"

"How is she now?"

Everyone asked question when they heard he met Maya and Shanaya's face gone pale and her heart trembled

"I met her at Country A where I and Rahul went there for business few days back you all know that where I met her, she was living in small town called Meadon, she is living well also she has her own cafe called 'Care Free' with her best friends" Hruday said

"Then how come you are alone coming back to home not with her? Why didn't you ask her to come back" Grand Ma asked in doubt

"Actually I really didn't get chance to talk with her before I can talk, she already disappeared from the Country A, I even investigated but when she was there she had changed her name to Amaya and was living like orphan also she has all documents about this whenever we went to investigate we were in dead end all clues became waste" Hruday said with furrow between his brows

"How is this even possible brother? are you sure?" Hrudan exclaimed

Hruday's Grandparents exchanged looks and something clicked on their mind but they didn't say anything but it didn't excluded from the eyes of Hruday

"It's okay now I will again investigate this and we will find her but before she comes here I want to give her everything that is rightfully her's" Hruday said firmly

"Good, because in the past she had to bear many things and had to be humilated just because some ridiculous reason we have let her suffer all this years, we should make it upto her so when she comes back she will be publicly acknowledged eldest-daughter-in-law of Patel's, poor child had to suffer like this" Reema said in depressed and regretful tone

But something changed in the eyes of both elders as they seemed to remember something their face changed when they both saw each other because in the depth of their eyes there is some speculations that they know as truth, they shook their head, sighed and thought

'These peaceful days are going to end, Country B will be under going huge change'

These things also didn't go unnoticed by Hruday as he was observing his Grandparents and he had promotion in his heart that they knew somrthing