
She knows that this mission is more important than anything also no mistakes are allowed to make because if did then all the hard work of all these years will go in vain

After ordering, she took her son to bedroom so he can sleep there because the coming day will be long

She came back took a seat, closed her eyes only to see all those memories which she hidden beneath her cold eyes


That year when she was studying second year in ordinary local college,

That was the first time she met with the person who changed her life's direction,

In the college where she was studying there was a test and that paper was prepared by him, he was really arrogant and lofty just like he was seeing everyone beneath him and she was angered by that attitude and she said something which made him so angry that he had difficulty in breathing

Because she made him angry he decided to make difficult for her so he changed her paper and prepared more difficult question which were more advanced than what her college teach to their student but she was a person who never easily accept defeat and also she always did self-study so she has impressions on these question also she has very deep and accurate memory once she saw something that she will never forget about that

When she solved all these questions and got first place in test he was shocked, even though she was aware that he was someone who held significant position as all her teachers and even principle showing respect despite he was younger than them so she didn't do anything overboard but when she saw he was arrogant at that time she lost all her reasonings so she said something which may bruised his ego

Then after few days a offer came to her that is about a chance to get in Country B's most prominent college Imperial college to her last year study from there she may get chance to go for higher studies

But she didn't take that easily but went to talk with the person who offered her whe she met him she was shell-shocked because he was a same person who took test of them also she got to know that he is President or can say Principle of most famous and successful college - Professor Vijay Nandh

where who ever studied there will be successful in future also they will hold significant position even if they are not famous but they will be treated with respect

When she asked,

"why did you choosed me for this when I only did was to make you angry?"

He chuckles said,

"Because you are you, you never took anyone's shit also if you find anyone's attitude bad you did countered also never hesitated to speak what you have in your mind and you are intelligent and hard worker, what I saw in you is character and determination"

"Oh, sorry for my behavior that day" She said with embarrassment

"No you were right that day, never should underestimate anyone because everyone has onething that they are excels, I felt that you were right, sorry for my behavior that day" Professor Vijay said

"Okay I will accept your offer" She said without any hesitation

"Oh! that's great, I have one more proposal for you, I hope you will accept that also" He said

She got curious so she asked


"I hope you will be my student and I want to be your mentor I want to teach you" He said

"What!!!! why?" She asked with shock

"Because when I saw you that day I felt you are very different from others also you are fearless never did against your morals also when I investgated which I hope you don't get offended I learned you are way more than different in every aspects because after what you achieved in both study and other things but you don't have that arrogance also you never yielded for power or money but you always belived that only you have chance to change your own fate ,so I want to change youe fate by giving you chance to be my student" He explained

"I....I will think about it, can I have some time for thinking?" She asked

"Okay but I want to hear positive answer from you" He turned around walked

She stood there to think after thinking for while she decided but want to hear her families opinion so she asked them after getting positive answer from them she gave him affirmative

But with her this choice she did changed her destiny in good way also with lot of bad things which became her obstacles but she did passed through them


She recovered from her daze and opened her eyes only to see someone have placed blanket on her

When she turned around only to see Rachel who is also sleeping just like baby she smiled to her self then went to washroom for chores

Then went in bedroom see her son still sleeping without any care,

She sighed only when he sleeping he looks like child also has that innocence which five years child should have but whenever he was awake he always behave's like he have responsiblity which exceeds his age

She caressed his hairs then pecked his forehead murmured,

"I love you my son, will always"

Then she sat beside him caressing thinking about what future holds for them

But she is determined to protect her son from all the things which may harm him also she will never let the roots of problem to remain because it will become obstacles in her son's future so he will have safe journey in his future ways

In this battle she don't have other choice only have to win because not only her also her families lives depends on her this victory so she must win at any cost even the whole world opposes her, she have to be on the ground never defeated until the last breath