Taking Back What's Mine - 7

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kavya Madan growled

"What I mean is, in last two year this boutique fallen to the mud and all it's sales and customers are lost. Actually I want to ask you that do you really have any business sense, no just tell me do you at least have common sense" Aanya rebutted

"You...." Mrs. Kavya Khanna started

But Aanya cut her words in middle

"Let me finish what I want to say, you should know after you took over, regular customers almost reduced to zero and don't get me with new customers in total boutique's customers rate reduced to half and reviews are all negative, do you want me to say loud out for you?

Like this one clothes store is very bad, seriously who want to go there price is high and cloths nothing but looks like beggars etc.,