That Voice

In the normal human world, living nearly seventy-five years, where she was called a little girl, isn't it a joke.

Okay, she will accept that compare to the old monster of the voice, she is still young,

How does she know this? Because once when she was arguing with him about the same issue of her Granddaughter, and Great Granddaughter,



"You know you have to pay a big price for this?' That voice said in frustration, he also felt like in his whole life, there is someone who is making him really angry like want to open her head and see what is in her head,

Or maybe just look it in her thought, why bother, that man again tall thought in his mind.

"I know and I don't mind" Puja was firm on her decision, 

She knows in her whole life she may have done only one good thing, taking Aanya in, and raising her to the lady what she is now, and this one decision.