Flashback : Caught Before Succeeding

This is the vast difference between the big brother's treatment in between little brother's and little sister.

If Aarsh can see what is inside the head of Ansh, the first thing he will do is smash his head on the wall in front of him.

Aarsh was still in his dizzy state, he felt he couldn't hold more because all his strength has been used up until now.

He silently looked at the corner of the wall because he could feel some foreign hands working on his body, and from the depth of his heart, he felt the disgust rising, not only in his heart but every cell of his body is repulsive towards the touch.

He strongly resisted those hands, but his strength is now almost zero, he is like a powerless person, without any strength, even to open eyes, he has to accumulate all the strength left in his body.