He the worst !

The next day Rose went over to Don to once again do there reading this time Don help pick out a book and things was going relly good. Then lunch came and Rose sat with some of her other class mates . Rose made new friends ( Renee , Nicole , Edward ) When recess came Don ask Rose to play with him but she already said she would play with Renee and them. She said she would play with him later but she never did .This upseted Don and hurted his feelings . He wanted to be with her , Be her friend .He wanted her to like him but she toldly forgot him over these mutts he was way better then those kids he thought to him shelf. He decided if he couldn't get Rose attention from being nice he would get by being mean instead. He would pull her hair make her cry, Take her toys ,Kick sand into her eyes doing anything to get her to yell his name ,Hit him or cry. He got into trouble but he didn't cared because she was paying attention to him. It hurt him to seeing her cry but he thought this was the only way otherwise he was afraid she would forget him if he left her alone .He couldn't have that. Rose thought he was the worst she wished she never had him as a reading partner. She couldn't understand why he hated her so much to make him pick on her . He didn't talk to the other kids and was only mean to her. She wonder why her . It was like this ever day for 3 months until one day her mom sat her down and told her they was going to move . That she was to go to school to say goodbye and get her stuff . That after school that day they was leaving. She went to school all sad . She loved her school ,loved her teacher , She Loved her friends, gotten use to Don picking on her she didn't want to say goodbye and cried with her friends as they said they will miss her ,how much they didn't want her to leave . In the corner Don heard what was happening he upset he didn't want her leave he wont get See her no more she would leave thinking he hates her and sooner or later forget all about him . He couldn't let it end like that he was gonna tell her how he feels thow she little and different from him he had hope she would understand a little and he had come up with something big so she wouldn't forget about him . He swear at that moment to him shelf he will find her again and make her his . He walk up to her pulled her away went towards the quit area where they would read as grops or take naps .She tried pulling free but he was stronger then her . He sat her down and said that he liked liked her and only was mean to her because he didn't know how to tell her before that he liked her . He stold a nother kiss it was so fast she didn't have time to think. he ask her will you be my girlfriend? She tought he was nuts and just wanted get away from him and back to her friends. Hoping he would let go of her. Not knowing what a girlfriend was she said yes . That made him so happy. had she liked him too? He told her in the future she was to be his wife .That even if she forgets him he wont forget her. He told her he will find her again and come for her. He told her not to date any other boys .He kissed her hand leaving a mark that onnly others like him can see but she couldn't see it then he let her go . She ran to her friends trying forget about him and what he had said for her she thought he was only picking on her more because she was leaving .She only had a little time left and wanted to enjoy it with her friends .She did move that night and as he said she forgot all about him over time .